Female student smiling wearing backpack walking on campus.


Welcome to the 十大玩彩信誉平台. 感谢您的关心. This is an exciting moment in the life of an incoming college student. 想象一下你自己 位于美丽的墨西哥湾沿岸的迷人城市莫比尔,占地1200英亩. You 可以继续你的教育,分享我们的传统,帮助塑造十大玩彩信誉平台的未来吗.

我们希望你能计划来参观. 填写申请表. 申请奖学金.

As an incoming freshman, you might feel overwhelmed. No worries. 我们的招聘人员 is here to help you every step of the way. Get started by browsing the View Book. 了解我们的学术课程和专业的早期接受计划 schools. Check out on-campus living and activities.

这是属于你的时间. 充分利用它. Start now.


▼   申请的最后期限
入学学期 优先级的最后期限
Fall (August) July 15
春季(1月) December 1
Summer (June) May 1
▼   申请费


如果你喜欢邮寄申请,打印申请表,填写 邮寄至:

电话:al36688 -0002

▼   新生入学要求

美国将为2024年春季、夏季和秋季申请者提供可选考试路径 申请进入美国. Students with high school GPA's with a 3.4或更好的将是 自动进入南方. 平均成绩低于3分的学生.4 .将进入审核 入学程序. These students could be asked to supply additional materials. 选择考试选修课程的学生也将有资格获得奖学金. 非应试学生的奖学金将根据课程的实力颁发。 grades, and a variety of other factors.

我们建议ACT 21或更高和/或SAT 1060或更高的学生提交 their scores. We encourage students to connect with our Office of Admissions, admiss@tsywd.com,以评估他们的选择.


  • Official high school transcript reflecting a minimum 2.50 GPA
  • 官方ACT或SAT成绩:最低ACT超级分数19或最低SAT(关键) 阅读+数学)900分(如果在2016年3月之前)或最低SAT成绩 (仅限基于证据的阅读和写作+数学)990分(如果参加2016年3月) or after)
  • These standards are general requirements. All students with strong academic records are encouraged to apply for admission.


  • 4年英语
  • 3年社会科学
  • 3年数学——必须包括代数I和两门更高水平的数学课程(例如: Algebra II, Algebra w/ Finance, Algebraic Connections, Geometry,
  • 三角学、解析几何、微积分预科或其他高级数学课程 将予以考虑)
  • 3 years of science (At least two of the sciences must include labs)
  • 3年高级选修课(从上述四个核心领域中任选的课程) and may include foreign language)

具有高级背书的阿拉巴马高中文凭符合所有大学的要求 南阿拉巴马堆芯要求. The Credit Based Diploma awarded by Alabama High Schools is accepted; however, students must meet all high school core requirements listed above.

学生将被允许在美国注册数学课程 先决条件课程,他们的act数学成绩,sat数学成绩,或者数学 Placement test.  Mathematics placement can be found here. 学生也可能被要求根据他们的学习情况选修阅读或英语课程 ACT-English, ACT-Reading or SAT-Critical Reading score. 


第一次入学新生申请的是高中水平的通识教育 Development (GED) test and did not graduate from high school. 申请人必须于 至少17岁.

  • 所需正式文件:官方GED成绩.
  • 学术要求在2014年1月之前参加考试的学生,平均成绩必须不低于 a 500 or a 50, if taken before January 2002. Students taking the GED beginning January 2014 must score at least a 170 in each subject area.


特殊新生申请者高中毕业5年以上 或者已经23岁了.

  • 所需正式文件: Official high school transcript
▼   Test Optional

美国将为2024年春季、夏季和秋季申请者提供可选考试路径 申请进入美国. Students who take this route could be asked to supply additional materials, which include an essay and letter of recommendation.

选择考试选修课程的学生也将有资格获得奖学金. 非应试学生的奖学金将根据课程的实力颁发。 grades, and a variety of other factors. Students are able to select test-optional 十大玩彩信誉平台它们的应用. We do recommend that students with ACT 21 or better and/or SAT 1060或更高的成绩提交最佳奖学金考虑. 


▼   录取学生核对表

Top Priority

  • Activate your JagNet Student Account at tsywd.com/services/jagnet.
  • Login to your JagMail and PAWS (Personal Access Web System) accounts
    at tsywd.com/logins.
  • 完成联邦学生援助免费申请经济援助,网址为 fafsa.gov
    (FAFSA将于12月开放). Visit the USA One Stop Financial Resources
    page at tsywd.com/onestop/resources.
  • 申请美国住房 tsywd.com/housing 并支付订金.
  • Register for Southbound, your 新生迎新, and pay the
    费用在你的招生门户. Visit tsywd.com/orientation for more
    • Summer and Fall orientation registration opens in January.
    • Spring orientation registration opens in November.
  • 通过学生健康网提交免疫信息和记录
    Portal at http://nutx.tsywd.com/departments/studenthealth/immunization.html. 如果您需要帮助,请致电251-460-7151与学生健康中心联系.
  • 要求提交最终正式成绩单到南方,如果你还没有
    done so. If applicable, also submit official test scores (i.e. 行为/坐,IB /美联社).
  • Meet with your academic advisor to register for courses in PAWS. Your advisor
    注册完培训后会和你联系预约吗. Some
    students may be required to take a placement test.
  • Attend your scheduled orientation.
  • 学期结束后,将账单发到你的学生账户,支付学费或设置付款 plan via PAWS. See tsywd.com/onestop/resources for
  • Order your textbooks and other materials for classes as required.



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